Holy Flaps Cards

Colourful language coupled with the trademark black and white aesthetic, Holy Flaps is your opportunity to send what you really think. Utterly unafraid of a few fucks, several shits and some seriously strong opinions, this is the range for the indestructible friendships that help us weather the storms of life in the little boat of shared eye-rolls and whispered “WTF’s?”.
A hilarious card by Holy Flaps might not be to everyone's taste but if you're looking for a greetings card that's funny AF for that forthright friend, then one or eight of these will more than do. Whether it's quirky and humorous birthday cards, a rude anniversary card for him or just a snarky card that draws a "Holy Flaps!!' exclamation for any occasion, this collection has it all. Abandon the swear jar all ye who enter here...

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