The Curse of the Christmas Birthday
People with birthdays in December and January still deserve a funny birthday card, not a folded festive afterthought!
In this post, we’re diving into the world of humorous birthday cards for him, funny birthday greetings cards for her, and of course, it wouldn’t be Pynk without a liberal sprinkling of rude birthday cards. Ripe for the plucking, we’ve got loads of hilarious ideas, unique designs, and the occasional (*gasp) sweary birthday card.
It’s easy to get carried away with the festivities during the holiday season… in fact, isn’t that the whole point? If your house doesn’t look like Santa vomited all over it, are you even trying? Get all the Christmas shopping done, stocking stuffers sorted, little gifts for one and all, go to a wreath-making workshop where the single aim is to get merrily sloshed whilst you struggle to walk the fine line between berry-adorned yuletide homage and festive botanical bumhole. Plan the feeding of the five thousand, prep your liver for December, known in the Bible as “the month that knows not water”, jot down your Christmas card list, buy your funny Christmas cards (from right here at Pynk, obvs, although we send a warm fuzzy giving glow to those who buy charity Christmas cards too), and forget all about the friend, aunt, nephew, husband or offspring that has the misfortune to have a December or January birthday. I feel tired just typing about it. Well, that’s a slight lie – I feel like I need a Christmas margarita, but here I am, writing a blog about funny Christmas cards, sober. Weird to add that last bit, but it’s more for my boss than for you.
The point is, while we are all busy with the end of year celebrations (importance attached to no single individual, with potentially the rather notable exception of Jesus Christ), there are still birthdays happening to people who want exactly the right amount of emphasis placed on their special day without it being completely overwhelmed by Christmas chat.
Funny birthday cards – because festive babies deserve a laugh too!
Having a birthday during the Christmas period can feel like being the supporting act at your own gig – overshadowed by twinkling lights, office party gossip, and vegans protesting the senseless meat based gluttony. For those unlucky enough to share their special day with the holiday season, a funny birthday card is the perfect way to remind them they haven’t been totally forgotten.
At Pynk, we believe Christmas babies deserve to laugh, even if their big day is sandwiched between turkey leftovers and New Year hangovers. Here’s your ultimate guide to picking the funniest birthday card for the Christmas birthday crowd… ready to find the perfect card for your Christmas birthday loved one? Take a look at some of our suggestions; laugh out loud designs, cheeky one-liners, snarky birthday cards and brighten their birthday with laughter instead of tinsel. We’ve even coupled them with a funny Christmas card, so you can kill two birds with one stone (a phrase that every festive birthday person loathes!).
A list of the 12 best funny birthday cards, and their Christmas card counterparts:
#12: Funny birthday card for her
Our go to funny birthday card for the friend who’s just winging adulthood has got to be Amaze and we’ll follow that up with a hilarious Christmas card along the same lines with Advent. These are the cards for the BFF, the bestie, show them you know them better than they know themselves, and help them be seen, no matter how unflatteringly, on their Christmas birthday.
#11: Cheeky birthday card for him
For the one in denial about turning 30, or turning 40, or even turning 50, our cheeky birthday card top picks are Midlife 30, 40, or 50 and as a festive alternative, go gentle on them with the May your roasties be crispy Christmas card.
#10: Funny birthday card for family
Need a birthday card for your sister? Or is it your brother’s birthday? Whichever relation is turning a year older this Christmas time, the perfect card to celebrate their birthday, and simultaneously throw shade on the rest of your fam would be Ashamed then follow up with Lie Under, the funny Christmas card for family members.
#9: Quirky birthday card for a loved one
This one’s an unusual offering; a quirky birthday greeting for a friend who’s having a tough time maybe, a supportive mental health message that says it’s ok not to be ok, because even on your birthday Happy is a lot of pressure. Couple that with an honest take on festivities from the cat contingent, 174 Birds is the hilarious Christmas card that brings a unique perspective to card giving at Christmas time, jumping on the popular “You OK, babe?” trend.
#8: Snarky birthday card for your favourite idiot
Simple and to the point, this slightly rude birthday card is meant for those relationships that can withstand brutal honesty. To Do feels like a funny birthday card for a sibling or the precursor to a divorce. Santa Cat complements this vibe nicely – it’s the perfect rude Christmas card for the one you love to hate.
#7: Cute funny birthday card for partner
7 Billion is our top pick for that special someone’s birthday card, sweet and heartfelt, this is a card that shows someone you care. Pile that affection on one person by giving our Pigs in Blankets Card as a cute reminder that there’s a festive hierarchy and Pigs in Blankets are high up there.
#6: Funny cards for the friend who likes to party
Our best birthday card for the friend that knows when to say no (never), a funny birthday card for gin lovers everywhere, Gin Tonight is both a brilliant birthday card and a valid suggestion. Along the same lines is Round – leaning heavily into the social lube that is festive alcohol, this is a great anti-christmas Christmas card for the scrooge in your life.
#5: Fabulous birthday card for a total queen
Funny card from the whimsical hand of Zeppelinmoon, Dazzlier will make a quirky birthday card for a queen, a queer best friend or simply someone who needs a reminder that they bring diamond energy to the everyday. Building on the theme of self-expression, the only choice of Christmas card for a Madonna fan is Express; iconic and festive.
#4: The belated birthday card
When you get completely overtaken by the holiday season and forget your friend’s birthday, Belated Wishes is the late birthday card you need in your back pocket. Mirroring the slightly chaotic energy, Reincat is the unreliable Christmas character in this funny festive card.
#3: Menopausal and still slaying
For the female friend of a certain age, who’s managing to remain majestic despite the menopause, hotter and more unstable is the hilarious birthday card for her, she who refuses to wilt under the mid-life glare of hot flushes and global warming. Matching the rebellious energy, our top pick for a funny rude Christmas card is Cat vs Christmas which plays out a Christmas scene familiar to many cat lovers.
#2: Funny birthday card for animal lovers
We all have a friend who prefers the company of their four-pawed fur baby and Dog is categorically the card to make them smile on their special day, alongside the unutterably cute Liz Climo Christmas Party card, featuring both pup and kitty making the best of the Christmas party.
#1: Rude birthday card for the friend who loves to swear
Our firm favourite for a card that chucks around the f-bomb, The End is both rude and funny, and the perfect sassy birthday card for her, the one who gives no fucks. And just to continue the sweary theme another Holy Flaps card, this time festive in flavour, but minimalist in sentiment, a hilarious and unusual Christmas card for him or her, the visual might be monochrome but the language is certainly colourful.
Find the right kind of funny for them – cards aren’t a ‘one size fits all’ proposition!
To finish off, it’s worth noting that finding the perfect funny birthday card for someone born around the holidays is all about embracing the unique quirks of their festive season birthday. It’s a chance to bring a smile to their face and show them that, even during all the festive hustle and bustle, their birthday hasn’t been forgotten. A light-hearted card that pokes fun at the cliches of a Christmas season birthday is the perfect way to spread joy and laughter. So take a moment to pick a card that truly captures their personality – it’s a small gesture that can mean a lot. After all, everyone deserves to feel celebrated on their big day, no matter how many jingle bells are ringing in the background.